The price cap is going up!

From 1 October the price cap will increase to £1,717. We'll reach out to you with information on your new prices. Log in to view your tariff options.


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July 2022

Talking About Climate Change | So Energy

Our guide to having difficult conversations about the climate crisis

Green Living
June 2022

Help For Vulnerable Customers | So Energy

Ways in which we can support you if you’re worried about your energy bills

Energy News
Customer Support
June 2022

Behind So Energy: Dani Mattingly

The second instalment in our series showcasing the brilliant people who make up team So Energy

June 2022

Government Energy Bill Support | So Energy

What support is available, and what we've been doing to help

Customer Support
May 2022

A Guide to Battery Storage | So Energy

What is battery storage, and why is it essential for the phase-out of fossil fuels?

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May 2022

Setting Up Energy Supply when Moving Home

An energy checklist for your new home

Green Living
May 2022

So Energy and Groundwork

Supporting vulnerable customers in Greater Manchester

Customer Support
May 2022

So Energy and Darkness Into Light

£2,546 raised to support Pieta, the leading suicide awareness and prevention charity, and partner charities

May 2022

Helping You Through Winter

Guiding you through how we review and adjust your Direct Debit charges, and how these reviews help budgeting in colder and darker months.

Energy Saving Tips
April 2022

A Guide to Heat Pumps | So Energy

What are they, and how do they work?

Heat Pumps