February 2024

Bringing the industry together to support households

Here at So Energy we don’t just want a sticking plaster solution - we need fundamental market reform to deliver lower bills.

Whilst energy bills are no longer at their peak, we know having spoken to our customers that many people continue to struggle and so we want to reassure you that we are continuing to work to support those most in need.

With the removal of universal direct Government energy bill support, prices this winter are higher than last, and rose further with the price cap at the beginning of this year.  

That is why we continue to make it our priority to support those struggling to afford bills. Our 100% green fixed tariff, So Mint, is cheaper than the current price cap level, allowing people to get a better deal and give them certainty over their future bills. We will also be introducing a support fund which we will update on later in the year.

So Energy CEO addressing the room in Parliament

But no one supplier can fix the market and deliver lower bills alone. Here at So Energy we don’t just want a sticking plaster solution - we need fundamental market reform to deliver lower bills.

Minister for Energy Consumers and Affordability addressing the room

That is why, for the third time since the crisis began, we brought together Government, consumer groups, and industry to Parliament to discuss how we can bring bills down and reform the market for good. Alongside the Energy Minister Amanda Solloway MP, Chair of the Energy Committee Angus MacNeil MP, and representatives from Ofgem, National Energy Action, Citizens Advice we spoke to MPs about how they can help their constituents over winter and beyond.

We also called for:

  • Replacing Ofgem’s ‘price cap’ - which has failed to keep prices low, with a permanent safety net for the most vulnerable in the form of a ‘Social Tariff’ which Citizens Advice and National Energy Action have also called for.
  • Removing the ‘loyalty penalty’ – a practice which sees suppliers offer new customers cheaper deals than the ones they offer to loyal customers. This is temporarily banned until April 2024, but this should become permanent to make sure the market is fair for all.

It was very encouraging to see such agreement across the industry about the need for further support for those who need it most. We look forward to continuing our work with government, policymakers, and the wider industry to champion our customers and ensure the most vulnerable are protected.

You can find out more about what support is available in a recent blog here.

Should I Get a Smart Meter Installed In My Home?

Getting a smart installed in your home is both a free and smart move to make.

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