We want to bill you correctly, and submitting regular meter readings helps us do that. If you have a connected smart meter, we collect readings automatically each month, so you don’t have to worry about submitting them unless you want to. In this article, we’ll help you understand how to submit manual meter readings through your online account.


Step 1:

You need to log in to your So Energy online account. Then click the Submit Reads button on the homepage.

Step 2:

Now you will be on the meter readings page. If we supply one fuel type, you’ll see details such as the meter serial number, meter point administration number (MPAN), and the last reading. If both gas and electricity are supplied, separate tabs will be provided for each.

The example below shows how the page looks for a communicating smart meter. Having a smart meter is a great way to understand your usage better, plus it means you won't have to submit meter reads.

Step 3:

Now enter your new meter reading in the empty box. This read will be reflected on your next bill.

My meter read has not been accepted

We know submitting your meter reading can be frustrating if it's not accepted. This may happen if your reading is lower than the last recorded one or much higher than expected. If that’s the case, you’ll see an error screen. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Check you’ve taken a reading from the correct meter
  • Check the reading is in line with the last read. So if the last one was 1000, then it should be a larger number

If you’re confident it’s the correct read, you can upload a photo using the option on the page, and we’ll be happy to help.