We know there's a lot of talk out there about smart meters, which is why we wanted to put together this guide. Hopefully you'll love smart meters as much as we do by the end of it, but if you're still on the fence then we want to hear from you.
- Why should I get a smart meter?
- It will take more convincing, what about all the bad press?
- Doing your bit
Why should I get a smart meter?
Smart meters only offer positives, such as not having to submit manual meter readings to us each month, as well as enabling you to track and monitor your energy usage in real time.
On that latter point, being able to track your usage has a long-term benefit not only to yourself, but also to the future of our planet. In fact, according to Energy Saving Trust, you could find that your usage drops anywhere between 5% and 15% in the first year of using an in-home display (the device that comes complete with your smart meters). Not only will this be tidy on your pocket, it will also help to decrease your carbon footprint. Not bad for a freebie, right?
It will take more convincing, what about all the bad press?
We appreciate that there are various smart meter myths floating around the internet that might be putting some doubt in your mind; that's why we've attempted to dispel a few of the top ones below:
1) Smart meters are bad for my health
- In reality, smart meters actually emit less radiation than your mobile phone, and it has been concluded by Public Health England (PHE), following extensive testing, that smart meters do not pose any health risks.
- You can read more about this on the official government website here.
2) Smart meters connect via the internet and signal is low in my area, there's no point in me having one
- In fact, smart meters connect on a secure over-the-air network designed solely for the smart meter rollout. It's looked after by a company called the Data Communications Company (DCC), and is split up into different regions across the country. We've put together a comprehensive guide about this if you're interested to find out more.
- As for coverage, the smart meter network now covers a whopping 99.3% of premises throughout the UK, so if mobile or broadband signal is low in your area, it's still worth getting in touch.
3) As soon as I switch my energy supplier my smart meter will stop being smart
- While this was true in the early days with first-generation (SMETS1) smart meters, all second-generation (SMETS2) and DCC-enrolled SMETS1 smart meters are now fully transferable should you ever decide to switch.
- Here at So Energy, we're installing SMETS2 smart meters that are compatible across the smart metering network. This means that you never need to worry about your smart meter not being smart.
4) Smart meters store my data, I don't want it to be stolen
- Smart meters neither store or share any of your personal data; the only data they share with your energy supplier (us in this case) are your meter readings and tariff information.
- Smart meters connect over a highly secure, purpose-built network that is managed by a company called the DCC (Data Communications Company). It's this network that enables your smart meters to safely connect. You can read more about the DCC here.
Doing your bit
Join the energy revolution!
As of June 2022, well over 20.5 million smart meters were connected via the secure smart metering network. DCC estimates calculate that based on the above figure, smart meters will help save 625,000 tonnes of annual CO2 emissions from being released into the earth's atmosphere. How incredible is that?!
Doing your bit is as simple as registering your interest, booking an appointment and then sitting back and waiting for our engineer to arrive. We'll handle the rest.
Want to find out more about how you can do your bit?
Why not check out Smart Energy GB's energy saving tips section here. In addition to getting a smart meter, making some small changes around your home can really go a long way.
Rather talk with someone?
Our So Energy Help Team: 0330 111 5050
Citizens Advice: 0808 223 1133
Energy Saving Trust: 0800 444 202
Last updated: Tue, 27 Jun, 2023 at 4:00 PM
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