We understand that sometimes plans change and you no longer want to switch to us. From when you first begin your application to come on supply you then have 14 days to change your mind. To find out how you can cancel your switch, please have a look at the steps below.
Can I cancel my switch to you?
Once you agree a contract with us, you will have a 14-day cooling-off period during which you can change your mind, however, you can only cancel your switch until 5pm on the day before your supply begins, beyond which you'll come on supply with us and have a 9 day period where you can:
- Return to your previous supplier on the same terms and tariff you had with them (this is something you'll need to discuss with them). To do this, please contact your previous supplier so that they can switch you back.
- Stay with us but talk to us about your contract, we may offer a tariff you'd prefer. You'd just need to get in touch with our customer support team on [email protected] or 0330 111 5050 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm).
- Switch to another supplier that isn't So Energy or your previous supplier. We won't be able to do this for you, you'll need to start the quote process with them. You will be charged for any energy you use while on supply with us and you can only start a new switch the day after you come on our supply due to industry processes.
If you are outside of your cooling off period, you will need to remain on supply with us for 5 days before you can switch suppliers. If you believe we are taking over the incorrect supply, please see our Erroneous Transfers article.
Contact us
Alternatively, if you wish to cancel your switch to us, you can contact us by either calling us on 0330 111 50 50 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) or emailing us at [email protected] including “Cancel” in your subject to ensure that we can action your request in a timely manner.
Last updated: Thu, 21 Jul, 2022 at 11:05 AM
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