Every month your payments are scheduled to come out on the same day. However, when there is a bank holiday, some payments will be delayed due to the loss of a working day. You can find out when the next bank holidays are on the government website. This article will explain how this affects you.
How do Bank Holidays affect my direct debit payments being taken?
If your scheduled monthly Direct Debit payments fall on a bank holiday, there will be a delay to when this payment is taken. Typically, it will be taken the next working day. For example, if your payments are scheduled to be taken on the 2nd of every month, as 2nd June is a bank holiday your payments will be taken on the next working day, Monday 6th June.
Payments are also not taken at weekends so there is the potential for a delay of up to 4 days between your usual payment date and the date your payment will actually be taken but please be assured that payment will still be taken.
I’ve received my bill but no payment has been taken and I have a higher than expect debit on the account, what do I need to do?
Your bills are produced around 2 days after your Direct Debit payment is scheduled to be taken. However, this can mean around bank holidays when payments can be taken 2 days or more later than scheduled, a bill may be produced that shows no payments being taken and a higher debit than expected, but please don’t worry! On the following month’s bill you will see the payment taken for the following month as well as the payment taken for the current month. You will not be over or undercharged. You are able to monitor when your payment has been processed here through your online account.
If you believe a payment is missing or have any concerns about your bills, please get in contact with us by either calling us on 0330 111 50 50 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) or by emailing us at [email protected].
Last updated: Mon, 22 Aug, 2022 at 1:06 PM
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