This section covers how we manage your smart meter data, along with your rights and choices around frequency and usage. 

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What Data Does Your Smart Meter Collect, and How Is It Used?

As part of a government-led initiative, there’s a mission to get smart meters into every home in Britain by 2025. The meters and the installation are free of charge, and we will be offering electricity and gas SMETS2 (second generation) smart meters to every So Energy customer. 

Smart meters gather data about your energy usage and send it to your supplier. This means that you never need to submit a meter reading again, and that all of your billing is completely accurate rather than being based on estimates in the case of missed readings. No more crouching under the stairs with a torch jotting down numbers. 

What Data Will Be Collected?

We’ll be collecting data on how much gas and electricity you use, and - depending on when you want us to take the readings - the times of day you use more or less. This helps us to bill you accurately for the energy you use. As we buy energy for our customers in advance, this will also enable us to ensure that we’re purchasing just the right amount based on the data we collect. 

Your Choices

You can choose how frequently we collect data from your smart meter - every 30 minutes, every day or every month. If you don’t give us a preference, we’ll collect data daily by default.

There may be instances in which we need to share your smart data, such as with third-party organisations and partners who provide services. If that situation were to arise, you’d have the option as to whether we share your smart data, and could change your mind at any time. We won’t use your data for more tailored sales and marketing purposes unless you specifically opt in and, again, once you’ve made your decision you can change your mind at any time.

How Safe is My Smart Data?

Very safe. Security is of the utmost important to us, and your data is not at any risk. We work within government-agreed data privacy guidelines, and only a very limited number of trained So Energy staff will ever have access to your smart data for essential reasons. If you switch away from us, we’ll have access to the smart meter data that covers your time with us, but nothing after you’ve switched away. You can also request a copy of your smart meter data at any time. 

If the way your data is handled or collected changes in any way, we’ll notify you and inform you of any changed in the choices you can make. 

Additional Support

For more information on smart meter data privacy, please go here.

For independent advice about your rights and choices relating to your personal information contact The Information Commissioner’s Office at or via the ICO Helpline on 0303 123 1113.

For any additional support in relation to your smart meter data, please contact us via [email protected].