What happens if there are two meter point administration numbers (MPANs) at my property?
A meter point administration number (MPAN) is the number used to identify an electricity meter so that we know which meter to supply. Some households have two MPANs; this could be because the property is supplied by two electricity meters, or one meter that is supplied by two MPANs. These are known as ‘related MPANs’. To ensure that your switch to us goes smoothly and that your previous supplier doesn’t object to your switch, we take control of both MPANs.
Do I pay a standing charge for each MPAN?
As well as the electricity you use, energy suppliers charge a daily charge called a standing charge. If you have two MPANs at your property, you may need to pay a standing charge for each MPAN, depending on the type of meter setup you have.
Do I need to let So Energy know I have related MPANs?
If you have related MPANs, you don’t need to let us know. We receive our information from a national database. This also means that when you come online with So Energy, both MPANs will come on supply on the same day and we’ll notify you via email that we have registered your second MPAN.
An MPAN has been registered at my property that is not active - how can this be resolved?
When we receive information from the national database that you have related MPANs, we’ll only register a second MPAN as long as it is energised, or there is a power supply to the second MPAN. If this isn’t the case, and your second MPAN is not recording consumption, we’ll correct the national database to reflect this. This situation may arise if the meter has been moved, or if a storage heater has been removed. Please let us know on [email protected] if you believe that there’s an MPAN on your property that is not recording electricity consumption, and we’ll be able to investigate.
Last updated: Wed, 13 Jan, 2021 at 3:35 PM
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