If you've just moved into a new property and want to switch over to us, you will need to let your current energy supplier know that you're now responsible for the property's energy. It is likely they will object to any switch away until they know who the new occupier is. This article will explain how to find out who the supplier is if you do not know.

Contact your gas or electricity network operator

  1. Your electricity or gas network operator will be able to confirm who your current supplier is. To do this, you will first need to search your postcode on the">Energy Networks website.
  2. After searching for your postcode, you should get a similar result to the screenshot below which will provide you the contact number of the network operator for your area. 

When you call your network operator and have provided your address, they will be able to confirm your current supplier.

Alternative for finding your current gas supplier

There is an alternative for finding your current gas supplier using the Find My Supplier website. After confirming your address, you will receive confirmation of your current gas supplier.

I’m still struggling to find the current supplier of my new property

If none of the above options have worked for you, please contact us and we will be able to check the national gas or national electricity databases and confirm the current supplier. You can get in contact with us by either calling us on 0330 111 50 50 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) or by emailing us at [email protected].