Electricity supply

MPAN stands for Meter Point Administration Number. It is sometimes referred to as your 'S Number' or 'Supply Number'. It is the unique number that identifies the electricity supply point to your home. The number is 13 digits long, (if it is shown in a 2 row box it is the bottom line - an example below with the numbers highlighted in yellow) and can be found on your electricity bill:

A box containing a large letter S and 2 rows of numbers. The bottom row is highlighted

The MPAN in this example is 1601236789456

Gas supply

MPRN stands for Meter Point Reference Number. The MPRN is just like an MPAN but for your gas supply. It is sometimes referred to as your 'M Number'. It can be between 6 and 10 digits long, and can be found on your gas bill (an example below with the numbers highlighted in yellow):

A box containing a large letter M and one row of numbers which is highlighted

The MPRN in this example is 0123456789

When you join So Energy, we will ask you to check these numbers before your 14-day cooling-off period ends. That’s to make sure we take over your home’s supply – and no one else’s.

These numbers can only be found on energy statements, and should not be confused with your Meter Serial Number (MSN) which is the number on the physical meter!

How do I find what my MPAN and MPRN are?

If you’re a new So Energy customer, you’ll need to find an energy statement from your previous supplier. Once you have an old statement and have located your MPAN / MPRN, compare these numbers to the ones we have for you. If they don’t match, please call us on 0330 111 5050 or email [email protected].

If you can’t find your MPAN and MPRN numbers, don’t worry. With a bit of help from you, we can work it out using a national database. To get started you’ll need to have a look at the front of your meter and jot down the MSN (Meter Serial Number). Once you’ve got this number, please call us on 0330 111 5050 or email [email protected].