We’re here to help if you’re having issues logging in to your online account.


Password Reset

Follow these simple steps to reset your password: 

  1. Go to the login page and press the green coloured link “Forgotten password”. Or, you can click here directly
  2. On this page you should insert the email you registered your account with. You will then receive an email from us about resetting your password. Follow the instructions enclosed. If this is your first time trying to log in to your So Energy account, not to worry – you just need to activate your account first. Simply click this link and follow the steps on the screen. If you haven’t registered your email with us yet, get in touch and we'll be happy to help you.
  3. You’ll receive an email from us titled “Reset Your So Energy Password”.
    It should look like this: 
  4. Click the “Reset Password” button in the email. Note that the link expires 24 hours after you receive it, but you can always request it again. You can now set up your new password.

I’ve submitted my email but haven’t received the reset password email

We recommend you check a few things:

  • Check your spam folder as the email may have been incorrectly routed to that folder
  • Ensure you're looking in your correct mailbox linked to the email address 
  • Sometimes it might take a little longer, try again in a few hours